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Used Volvo XC40 for sale T3 Momentum Manual in Hampshire

Used Volvo XC40 T3 Momentum Manual

Price: £18490 GBP

Make: Volvo
Model: XC40 T3 Momentum Manual MK1 (536)
Mileage: 30809 miles
Transmission: Manual
Body style: Crossover
Fuel type: Petrol
Engine: 1477 cc
Colour: 614 Ice White

Registration: HN20WSX Reg Date: 2020-06-26 VIN: YV1XZ11V1L2343733
STOCK ID: 16886143 8420

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If you spot the vehicle has a failed MOT, ask the dealer for evidence of the repair with an invoice or other proof to be sure!.

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Date of registration: 2020-06-26
Vehicle registration: HN20WSX

This outstanding vehicle is available for immediate delivery from our state of the art retail centre in London Road, Kings Worthy, Winchester, SO23 7QD, situated only a short distance from Winchester central train station and just off of major roads such as the A34 and M3, this makes us the obvious choice for your next motoring purchase. Please do not hesitate to call any of our helpful sales team on 01962 670581 for a personalised video or to arrange a test drive. Founded in 1977 and still family owned today, Snows Motor Group are incredibly proud of our long-standing relationship with Volvo and the Selekt programme. Our fully qualified Volvo technicians ensure the utmost care is taken when preparing our used cars to the highest standard, and with an inclusive 12 month warranty on all Selekt prepared cars our aim is to give you worry free driving and complete satisfaction.


Used Volvo XC40 T3 Momentum Manual for sale in Hampshire

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Dealer: Snows VOLVO Winchester, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 7QD
Dealer ID: 8420
Saving on previous price: £3800.00

Used Volvo dealer in Winchester Hampshire

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